12 Inventive Ways to Attract People to Your Exhibition Stand | Blog Thumbnail

12 Inventive Ways to Attract People To Your Exhibition Stand

Organising an exhibition or event can be a stressful task and creating an engaging and exciting stand can be even more complicated.

Luckily, we’ve created this handy SlideShare on the 12 most inventive ways to attract people to your exhibition stand

Create a space where people want to sit and talk

Exhibitions and events can be a long and lengthy day for many, so providing people with comfy chairs and tables, even coffee facilities, is a great way to attract them to your stand and take the weight off their feet.

Plan your stand in advance

And we mean months in advance. This gives you the opportunity to research and source the best visual aesthetics for your stand, from customised LED screens to branded merchandise.

Create a unique game with a  competitive edge

Most individuals who attend expos and exhibitions are savvy business owners and go-getters – so you’ll definitely come across some competitive personalities. Feed into these with games and incentives that attract people over to your stand. Incorporating a social media element into your game or competition will also increase brand awareness across wider channels too.

Provide attendees with free Wi-Fi

Perhaps a tricky one to implement, but a valuable one. Most trade shows and exhibitions will have free Wi-Fi, with weak connectivity, leaving people frustrated. If you offer free Wi-Fi on your stand, not only will you attract more punters, but you’ll also have an edge over the competition.

Add charging zones for phones

An amazing way to attract people to your stand, who may never come over in the first place, is to have charging facilities for smartphones. After tweeting all day and hash tagging like there’s no tomorrow, individuals will need to charge – and discover more about your company to boot.

Freebies and giveaways

Yes, we all love something for nothing – but the more inventive and unique your freebie, the more likely someone will share it on social media and the more likely it will attract people to your stand. Gone are the days of branded stress balls and pens. We’re thinking sunglasses, headphones, portable chargers… Think useful and think unique.

Do your research

Competition is fierce at exhibitions and keeping an eye on what your rivals are planning isn’t a bad thing. If they’re going big, you could keep it small and relatable. If they’re keeping it small, go big and knock them out of the expo pond.

Make the investment now to reap the benefits later

Invest in a proper exhibition stand, as well as lighting, and signage. Without high quality items like these, you’ll struggle from the outset to attract the right customers and crowds.

Create high quality video

A video says more than you ever could and can speak to multiple people throughout the day at the expo. Having this shown on a large LED screen will attract attention immediately. You could even set something up so the attendees appear on the screen, creating even more of a buzz.

Develop your event identity

You might already have a brand hashtag that can carry you through your next event. However, to really generate interest and see how successful your exhibition has been, create a event identity, coupled with its own hashtag and brand, giving you a theme to develop your stand on.

Think green

The environment is a hot topic at the moment, and as well it should be. Ensure you’re being as green as possible with the merchandise and giveaways you’re producing, from reusable bags to recyclable leaflets.

Have fun

There’s nothing worse than turning up to an event or expo and being bombarded with the same boring stand over and over again. Inject humour into your stand, have the best giveaways, send your most engaging employees, and generally just have fun!

If you need help planning your exhibition stand and need advice and guidance on signage tips, contact Scanlite today for more information.

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