
5 industries that can benefit significantly from digital signage

Our digital signage is affordable, versatile, and extremely effective. As a result, many industries are now adopting digital signage as a means of communication, marketing, and advertising. Here at Scanlite, we’ve been providing our customers with expertly crafted digital signage solutions for more than 40 years. In that time, we’ve learned so much about the different ways in which our digital signs can be used to benefit a vast range of sectors across the UK. So, if you’re considering investing in digital signage, you might want to know how it can benefit your industry specifically.


The retail industry is one of the most prominent adopters of digital signage. With digital displays, retailers can showcase their products in a more visually appealing way, highlighting features and benefits to potential customers. Digital signage can also be used to display promotions, sales, and special offers, helping to increase foot traffic and sales. Plus, they can be updated easily, allowing retailers to quickly change their messaging in response to market trends or customer demands, so they can always stay ahead of the game when it comes to adapting to customer requirements.


The hospitality industry can also benefit significantly from the implementation of digital signage. For example, hotels can use digital displays to provide guests with information about their amenities, room service menus, and local attractions. Restaurants and bars can use digital menus to showcase their dishes and drinks, update prices, and display promotions quickly and effectively. Digital signage can also help to reduce wait times by providing entertainment or information to guests in line for a show or awaiting a service.


Digital signage is becoming more and more commonly used to improve the patient experience within healthcare facilities. For example, digital displays can provide information about wait times, directions to different departments, and upcoming appointments. Digital signage can also be used to educate patients on their health and wellness, providing tips for healthy living and information about different treatments and procedures. Plus, digital displays can also help to reduce perceived wait times by providing entertainment to patients in waiting areas, which can go a long way with those sitting in A&E during the early hours of the morning!


Educational institutions, including universities and schools, have also seen an uplift in the use of digital signage. For example, digital displays can be used to provide announcements, way finding information, and event schedules to students and staff alike. What’s more, digital signage can also be used to display educational content, such as maps, diagrams, and videos, which can help to enhance the students’ learning experience (96% of students say that video increases the learning experience). Additionally, digital displays can be used to showcase student achievements, providing recognition and motivation to fellow pupils.


Transportation hubs, such as airports, train stations, and bus terminals, can also benefit significantly from digital signage. For example, digital displays can provide real-time information about flight, train, and bus schedules, helping to reduce confusion and delays. moreover, digital signage can also be used to provide way finding information which can assist with directing passengers to their gates or platforms. Plus, digital displays can also be used to display advertising and promotions from local businesses, providing revenue opportunities for the transportation hub.

Over the last few years, digital signage has increasingly become an essential tool for many industries, providing benefits which ultimately lead to an increase in footfall and potential profits. Interested in adding some digital signage to your business? That’s where we can help – we tailor each of our solutions to your specific requirements here at Scanlite, and with more than 40 years of experience behind us, we know our digital signage solutions inside out. To find out more how we can help you, feel free to give us a call today on 01253 302723. We’re always happy to help!

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