digital display

Need some content inspiration for your LED signage?

As we’ve covered before here on the blog, choosing your LED signage isn’t an easy task, but it’s only one stage of the process. Equally important as the sign itself is the content that you’re actually going to put on it. Now, in some cases, this decision is already self-evident; if you’re considering an outdoor digital screen for a sports stadium for example, you’ll already know the sort of video content, animations and data you’ll need it to display. But if you’re looking at a more versatile and general-purpose LED digital display for your business premises or a public space, then your options are even more diverse. So, if you need a little content inspiration, here are some of our top suggestions!

Highlight your products and services

One of the most obvious and fundamental choices for your content is, of course, to shine the spotlight on what you can offer them as a business. You can pick one or two products to highlight individually, or present them in larger numbers to show your potential customers the full range of what they can expect from you. Presentation is everything here, so it’s worth taking the time to utilise savvy graphics that matches the tone and personality of your brand, and of course your unique selling points. Don’t forget, unless your business is a particularly novel startup, then it’s likely that your customers will have seen these products and services before. So you need to make sure that your content answers the question: why should they buy from you?

Showcases of your work or case studies

If your offering isn’t quite as tangible as a physical product, and you’re offering more of a service or particular expertise, then your LED advertising displays provide you with a perfect opportunity to showcase them. In these sorts of circumstances, video content is a good one to rely on, as videos or animations can help your customers to understand exactly what you do, and how it can help them.

If you’re an events planning company for example, it’s worth displaying clips of your most successful previous events, and if you’re a facilities management company, you can show sharp, polished shots of your installed products or impressive glimpses of the sorts of buildings you look after. And of course, the more happy smiling shots you can insert of your existing customers, the better!

Currently running promotions, sales or discounts

This is one that’s exceptionally well-suited to commercial LED screens in busy public spaces, like shopping centres. To be honest, if you’ve got access to LED digital signage displays but not utilising them for any promotions or discounts you’re running, then you’re arguably doing yourself something of a disservice! Make sure to put these front and centre, and judge the length of the loops carefully so that they’re often-repeated, but not so often that they’ll fatigue or annoy any onlookers. Most importantly, make sure to highlight the end dates as prominently as you can!

digital display information

Useful local information and updates (even if it’s unrelated to your brand)

We’ve spoken about this before here on the blog at Scanlite. As we mentioned there, it’s a fantastic way to get the most out of your retail LED screens. When we talk about local information, we’re referring to updates like temperature, time, maps, or anything else that onlookers might use to orient themselves or make decisions about where to go next. And of course, every time they look at it, they’re being reminded of your business.

In fact, certain viewers who use the space frequently (such as locals on shopping trips or professionals working in the same complex) can eventually start to rely on these screens more heavily, which can lead them to associate your business with helpful information. That helps not just with short-term sales decisions, encouraging them to buy directly from you after being presented with your content, but long term customer loyalty too. Even if they don’t have need of your offering at the exact moment they see your screen, if they see it a lot anyway then they’re more likely to remember you for later, when they do find themselves looking specifically for your products or services.

Industry news and current trends

In many ways this probably falls under the wider umbrella of the ‘general information’ we’ve just been discussing, but it’s distinctive enough that it should get its own mention! Industry news is a really useful one for corporate and business spaces especially, and while it might not be communicating hard sales messages to your audience, it can be an excellent long-term promotional tool.

For starters, highlighting industry news makes you look proactive and hyper-aware of the trends in your sector, and can help show that you innately understand the needs and desires of your audience. And of course, if you can demonstrate not just how you’re aware of these trends, but taking steps to actively keep up with them (or even pre-empt them), then that can go a long way to establishing and reinforcing your reputation as a market leader.

Social media feeds

This one needs to be handled delicately, but if you’ve got the time and will to curate it, then displaying social media feeds can be a brilliant way to bring you closer to your audience, highlighting their feedback, questions, and their cleverness and sense of humour. If you’re a brand targeted people under 35 (such as millennials and members of Generation Z) then you might want to consider TikTok or Twitter feeds on your screens, acknowledging and appreciating your audience and what they have to say about your sector or brand.

On the other hand, if you’re geared more towards the professional end of the market, you might want to consider showing insightful LinkedIn posts or reviews, helping to cement that confident professional image for your brand.

Just bear in mind that as we’ve already touched on above, it does require a bit of time and human input to properly curate. That’s largely because as you’ll want to stick to the stuff that’s funny, incisive, or relatable – all of which is often stuff that actually speaks to your audience.

Make sure not to rely too much on algorithms, and have proper vetting processes in place, and steer well clear of displaying any content that could potentially be construed as offensive in any way, or anything you don’t quite understand. Social media is a powerful thing, and misjudgements can do your brand far more active harm than good!

We should probably stress here that this isn’t a complete list. It’s just some of our top suggestions – you may well be able to think of some of your own! If you need a few more pointers, don’t hesitate to check out our post on creative ways to use LED signage to build customer relationships. Alternatively, just get in touch with one of our experts here at Scanlite, and we’ll be only too happy to answer any questions that you might have.

We have an extensive range of digital signage solutions and we know this technology inside out, including the many ways in which it can be used to achieve your goals as a business. To find out how we can help you, feel free to give us a call today on 01253 302723, or email us on

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